Values That Inspire

Values That Inspire

Our values embody the spirit of NWS, rooted in our connection with nature. They reflect the shared beliefs, perspectives, and principles that bring our community together. These core values guide every aspect of our school, shaping the way we teach, learn, and grow in harmony with the natural world.


How can I help We are generous in spirit. We care about each other as well as the world at large. Together we contribute to our school community, as well as the local and global community. Our efforts and actions are always relevant as we aim to benefit groups or causes in some way.


Act like you mean it We value our differences - they make us unique. We respect the feelings, wishes and rights of our community in all that we do. We recognise we might approach things in different ways, or have a different perspective. We are gracious when discussing our differences, and we work harmoniously towards every outcome.